Financial Literacy Day

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 10:00 AM until 4:15 PMUTC -04:00

Thwing Center
11111 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44106
United States

Among the most lucrative lessons you can gain during your college years is an understanding of your financial landscape. No matter their career path, successful professionals must have a solid understanding of credit scores, financial plans, loan repayment, budgeting, retirement, investing and more if they want to benefit most from their hard work.

Join the Office of University Financial Aid Tuesday, April 15 for a crash course in financial literacy and start getting familiar with personal financial concepts that will follow you throughout your life. (Enjoy snacks, refreshments and cake, too!)

All sessions held in the Thwing Center 1914 Lounge.

10 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Thwing 1914 Lounge
Student Loan Grab-Bag

What happens to my student loans when I graduate? What repayment plans are available? What if I go to grad school? If these types of questions are keeping you up at night then this session is for you! Presented by Adam DiIulio (MBA '12), Associate Director of Student Loans and Financing in the Case Western Reserve's Office of University Financial Aid. Free snacks and drinks!

11 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Thwing 1914 Lounge
Financial Literacy 101

This is your FREE opportunity to gain important knowledge that every college student should know! We will highlight topics such as credit scores, credit cards, and financial plans. Bring any questions you may have about anything financial! Presented by Jeff Johnston (MBA '12), former Investment Advisor Representative and current Director of Business Development for Sallie Mae. Free snacks and drinks!

12 noon - 12:45 p.m.
Thwing 1914 Lounge
Financing Your Education

This session will discuss the main types of financial aid assistance for continuing students as well as answering your financial aid questions. Financial Aid Counselors will be on hand so stop by to make sure all of your documents are in order for 2014-15! Presented by the staff of Case Western Reserve's Office of University Financial Aid. Free pizza, snacks and drinks!

1 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Thwing 1914 Lounge
Financial Literacy 101

This is your FREE opportunity to gain important knowledge that every college student should know! We will highlight topics such as credit scores, credit cards, and financial plans. Bring any questions you may have about anything financial! Presented by Jeff Johnston (MBA '12), former Investment Advisor Representative and current Director of Business Development for Sallie Mae. Free snacks and drinks!

2 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Thwing 1914 Lounge
Student Loan Grab-Bag

What happens to my student loans when I graduate? What repayment plans are available? What if I go to grad school? If these types of questions are keeping you up at night then this session is for you! Presented by Adam DiIulio (MBA '12), Associate Director of Student Loans and Financing in the Case Western Reserve's Office of University Financial Aid. Free snacks and drinks!

3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Thwing 1914 Lounge
I Got a Paycheck! Now What?

This session is aimed to increase your financial knowledge before you step out into the "real world". We will discuss the importance of saving, budgeting, retirement and investing. Graduating seniors are highly encouraged to attend! Sign up for this session and your future self will thank you! Presented by David Mariano (BS '00), Director with Western Reserve Partners LLC. Cutting of the Money Cake!

Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.